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Boost your logistic with Cargoport!

Use the power of digital cargo right now. Now air transportation does not require long and complex approvals and knowledge of industry specifics.

We provide a user-friendly API for getting the best quotes, routing, booking and tracking cargo.

Join the cargo community and get instant offers from most airlines!

Boost your logistic with CARGOPORT!

    Multiformat & Data Sharing

    Use your usual communication channels and message formats and don’t worry about compatibility – let us provide it.

    We support all legacy and future-proof messaging standards.

    Moreover, we offer cost-effective data sharing instead of expensive two-way transactions

    Security & trust

    We use reliable sources and secure data channels and provide access to up-to-date and accurate data directly from airlines online.

    Use this data to speed up logistics and payments.

    Provide your customers with enhanced information service and digital comfort on our data.

    Boost your logistic with CARGOPORT!

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